Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 4 Tuesday, June 8 Guest Blogger


I'm Matt Mrozek, a leader on this trip and a recent graduate from Hinsdale Central. This is my fourth Young Life trip down here to Guatemala, and I'm still amazed at the wonderful experience that this trip is. Chad asked me if I would do a "guest post" on the trip blog and share a bit about how my day/trip has been. This year has been a bit different for me as I have an entirely new role as a leader. This position as well as my previous experience have given me a chance to take a step back and see how this experience is effecting others. That said, it has still been incredible for me personally; I had one of the best moments of my life in a reunion on Saturday morning with a little boy I met on the first trip, and today was able to give him a few gifts (see picture below). I'm constantly amazed by the love and joy offered and felt so freely by the people we are helping, and even those who just live in the neighborhood. From my new perspective, it is just as amazing to see the effects these people have on the kids on the trip. As much as I have been moved by the relationships I have developed with the Guatemalans, it is even more impactful to see the new and numerous friendships formed between the Hinsdale kids and the Guatemalans, despite the (sometimes extreme) language barrier as well as the serious differences in culture and background. All the kids have been working hard at their jobs, whether that means mixing concrete, making numerous trips to deliver cinder blocks, digging drainage ditches or performing many other tasks, but somehow they still find time to play with kids, teach them to say "I love you" in English, or have a wrestling match in a pile of compost (not the Stefani you might expect). It's been an amazing week, and yet it's only day four. I can only imagine how the rest of the week will unfold for us down here in Guatemala, but at any rate, Go Hawks!

Matt Mrozek

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