Monday, June 13, 2011

Begin Work Projects Day 2

Today was our first work day in El Recuerdo. For this week, we divided all the team members into four separate groups. Each group has been given a different project to be completed by the end of the week. Los Cuates are dilligently working hard to repaint the community center. Lolo Chingolo and Gustavo Bonifaz are two other groups that are currently working to lay down cement floors in three different houses. Grandios Hercules is spackling the walls of two previously built houses. It's been an exciting and eye-opening experience.
Lots of love,
Layne, Maddy, Allison, and Joy

Hello Pircon Family,
I'm having a blast in Guatemala. Dad was completely wrong because the food is great. Today was our first day of labor and i greatly underestimated the power of the sun.

Hope your having fun at home,

Hey mom,
Hope your having a good time at home with the pups and lauren. Me and conor miss you guys and just want to let you know the trip is going really well and were having alot of fun. Were all a little sunburnt but aloe should do the trick. Cant wait to get back. Say hello to Jackson and Molly for me.

Love youu,
Ryan and Conor

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